Steps for implimenting an innate physical fitness lifestyle.

Step 1 (0-6 Weeks)

  • Go outside and breathe deeply twice a day everyday for five minutes with exercise clothes on - preferably first thing in the morning and sometime after dinner.  Walk or bike if you feel ready.
  • Each day increase the amount of time, the distance, or the intensity/pace of your activity - this increment can be as small as one step or one second or as large as you wish.  Slow, gradual progression is best.
  • Try to find a partner or group - create your own if needed!
  • Try to walk or hike on a trail or on some uneven surface as much as possible.
  • Practice walking backwards and sideways at least a few steps on every walk.
  • Do the prescribed spinal exercises.

Step 2 (6-12 Weeks)

  • Walk or bike every day - preferably first thing in the a.m.
  • Jog or skip a small distance (between telephone poles) as least once on your walk.  Gradually increase the frequency and distance of these jogs and/or skips - smile while you skip - add bonus points for singing!
  • Find some hills or stairs and include this into your routine at least 2 times a week.  Even one stair is fine to start!
  • Do the prescribed spinal exercises.
  • Start a strengthening workout 2-3x/week.

Step 3 (12-24 weeks)

  • Walk, bike, or jog every day - preferably first thing in the a.m.
  • Always include some skipping, hopping, or walking backwards during your walks or jogs.
  • Continue to progress in intensity and duration of the stairs and/or hills during your walks.  You are now phasing these into anaerobic speed workouts.  Jog up the hills or the stairs and walk back down and repeat;  take as much time between work intervals to recover as you need.  Progressively increase the number of intervals on a weekly basis.  You can replace the stair or hills with any other anaerobic and speek workout activities.  Perform these activites 2x/week.
  • Do the prescribed spinal exercises.
  • Continue the strengthening workout 2-3x/week.  You should now be performing 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for each exercise to failure (use enough weight that you could not do another repetition).

Step 4 (24 weeks and onward!)

  • Walk, jog, or bike every day - preferable first thing in the a.m.
  • Include at least one interval training session each week (3 minutes as hard as you can followed by 3 minutes of slow recovery).  Do at least 6 intervals.
  • Perform one anaerobic speed or sprint workout each week.
  • Incorporate as much balance/agility activity into your workouts as possible.
  • Do the prescribed spinal exercises.
  • Continue your strengthening workout 2-3x/week.  You should now be performing 3 sets or 3-12 repetitions for each exercise to falure (use enough weight that you could not do another repetition).
  • Remember: Varying your routine is important for both physical and mental stimulation - never do the exact same workout twice in a row.
  • Remember: Joining a sport or activity that incorporates as many of these fitness components as possible is one of the best things you can do.  Do yoga, pilates, or gymnastics.